International symposium was held in Grand Hotel Kempinski, Geneva on May 27, 2017. It was devoted to life span extension, resources and their activation by drugs, functional products and dietary supplements based on peptide bioregulators.
In symposium took part leading scientists from all over the world, professors of best world universities and research institutes, businessmen of leading world companies working in this field.
There were more than 20 speakers whose lectures were listened by participants with big interest. Active discussions did not stop even during breaks.
Symposium was opened by Mr. J. Beard (Switzerland), Director of the Department of Ageing and Life Course from World Health Organization (WHO), presenting a report on rapidly aging world’s population, WHO’s functional approach to aging and health and its implication for researchers.
Very interesting report was presented by Mr. G. Roth — President of GeroScience Inc. (USA) about potential benefits of dietary caloric restriction and mimetics for humans.
Mr. J. Beard (WHO) and Mr. Dr. Med. R. Roitman (representative of Ideal Pharma Peptide GmbH, Germany) continued the discussion with speaker on nutrition after his speech.On some issues Mr. G. Roth and Dr. Med. R. Roitman found common themes for further discussion and cooperation.Mr. Med. R. Roitman (representative of Ideal Pharma Peptide GmbH, Germany), also found interesting the report of Mr. C. Franceschi (Italy), Professor of University of Bologna on drugs life span extension and anti-inflammatory interventions that positively affect the human immune system.
Professor V. Khavinson presented a report on general mechanism for peptide regulation of gene expression, protein synthesis and human vital resource. In-depth and comprehensive studies of peptides which were presented by professor Khavinson continue more than 30 years. His peptide bioregulators studied and confirmed with clinical tests are extremely safe and effective.

Company Ideal Pharma Peptide GmbH (Germany) closely cooperates with professor Khavinson to apply his scientific developments of short peptides for their peptide complexes IPH.
Symposium, its extensive program, the number of speakers and participants once again confirmed the great importance of scientific developments and research in the field of health and longevity.
Big interest of international business in a symposium means an effective introduction of innovative products to the market based on the achievement of scientists.